Click here to view today’s sleep log

As I said in my previous post, this morning I slept 3:40 for my core. When I woke up I was extremely tired, and I had a difficult morning!

Normally I feel a bit groggy after my core, and then it clears after about 30 minutes. Today the feeling was stronger, and persisted for an hour. After that I got quite productive and did an hour of programming, but then the tiredness came back and I was fighting to stay awake, and I even went for a 4:30am walk which I haven't done for a long time.

I was planning on sleeping at 6:30 this morning, but I was so tired that in the end I had my nap at 6:13. When I was trying to sleep, my heart was pounding in my chest and it felt like I had drunk too much coffee or something. This is strange as I had only had 1 green tea.

When I started this experiment I was drinking at least 4 cups of black tea each day: 1 after my core, 2 after my morning nap and 1 in the afternoon. This is a lot less than I used to drink as I normally have at least 5-6 cups of tea a day. Today I reduced my tea intake down to a green tea after my core, and a cup of black tea after my 6:30am nap.

After my nap I was still horribly tired, but not quite as bad as before my nap. Around 9:00 I started to perk up a bit, but my work was really boring so I felt a bit tired all day. I think if I was at home I would have felt fine.

I moved my lunchtime nap back from 12:20 to 12:30. I am going to push it back by 10 minutes every day until it gets to 1:00pm. Apart from that it was uneventful.

The afternoon at work was still boring and I didn't really get over that until I got home and had my afternoon nap. After that I was alert and have had one of my best evenings so far. I have even been able to watch some tv and play some online games with my girlfriend.

Now it is 10:00pm and I am starting to get tired again. I will go to bed at 11:30pm, and sleep for 3:20 hours until 2:50am. Hopefully this will result in less grogginess in the morning (I think the grogginess was caused by waking from deep sleep in the next sleep cycle).