Click here to view today’s sleep log

As I said in my previous post, today I put my pet rat down. Last night was my last night of looking after ratty, and I thought my back couldn't take sleeping with my legs bent on the sofa so instead I decided to sleep on the floor in the study. To be honest sleeping on the floor is pretty uncomfortable but I think it was better than sleeping on the sofa would have been.

I went to bed just after midnight, and put ratty on one of my t-shirts next to me. Unlike sleeping on the sofa, in this room there were lots of places that she could go as she was free to crawl around on the whole of the floor. For the first half of the night she didn't wander far, although I do remember waking up several times and putting her back next to me. At 5:00am I woke up and couldn't find her anywhere, so I got up and put the light on, and eventually found her under my computer desk, laying up against my chest of drawers.

I grabbed ratty and put her down beside me, and she went straight up the sleeve of the hoody that I was wearing. I went back to sleep with her in my sleeve, but I woke up and pulled her out about half an hour later as I needed to move my arm and I was scared I might squash her. Eventually I woke up again and got up at 7:00am.

This morning I spent my last couple of hours with ratty and then took her to the vet to be euthanised. It was a horrible thing to have to do but I couldn't bear to watch her suffer any more.

The last three days had been exhausting for me, as I hadn't had a proper nights sleep in ages, but I think my sleeping pattern really helped! I have had poor quality sleep and have been sleeping less than 7 hours each night, but having a nap in the afternoon really helped me to get through it.

After I got back from the vets we reheated last night's pizza for lunch and relaxed for a while, and then at 5:00pm I decided to go for a nap. I set my alarm for 7:00pm and went to sleep, but when I woke up I felt a bit groggy and looked at the time and it was 7:30. This means I must have snoozed the alarm for 30 minutes. This is the first time I have done this for one of my naps, and I think the fact that I didn't even remember doing it means I must have been exhausted. Still, having such a long nap has enabled me to easily stay up until 1:00am (it is 10 to 1 now) without feeling too tired, so I guess my sleeping pattern will be back on track tomorrow.