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Last night I went to bed at 12:30, but I didn't fall asleep until just after 1:00. I think, once again, this is due to drinking too much caffeine. I had 2 cups of tea last night, and it seems I can only get away with drinking 1 cup of tea straight after my nap. It's a shame because I love tea!

Today I felt fine all day with hardly any tiredness, and when I got home I fell asleep for my nap straight away. I had an awesome nap, and when I woke up I was totally confused! I don't know why I was confused, as I used my ipod to wake up which is completely different to my vibrating alarm, but it took me at least 30 seconds to figure out that it wasn't morning.

I was dreaming when I woke up, and I felt refreshed afterwards. I think I am about 90% adapted to this sleeping pattern now!