Dandelions and Rain

April 10th, 2009 .

One of the things I have enjoyed over the past couple of days is putting things in the chicken run and seeing how they react to them – today I tried putting in some massive dandelions and it was pretty amusing.  Two of my girls reacted as expected pecking little bits of dandelion off and eating them but the ginger one was hilarious.  She kept walking over to a big dandelion and grabbing it in her beak, then flipping it up in the air and onto her back.  She would then look around as if she didn’t know where it was, causing it to to drop back off onto the floor.  Then she would toss it up onto her back again…

I also put some tomatoes in the run today – one whole and one in pieces.  Turns out chickens don’t like tomato!  They seem to like sweetcorn, most weeds and spiders – I put a huge spider in the run the other day and the grey one instantly killed it and eat it.  Out of all the things I have put in so far the thing that they seem to enjoy the most is wild bird seed.  Every now and then I chuck a handful in and they run around like crazy and eat it in no time.  The white one and the ginger one just eat the seeds that land in front of them, but the grey one runs back and forth trying to steal seed off of the others.  The funny thing is that she spends so long trying to stop the others eating that they eat most of it and she ends up with hardly any!

Today was the first bit of rain I’ve had since I got the chickens.  They spent most of the time under the coop whilst it was raining (as expected) but when the rain had finished I looked in the garden and they were acting kind of weird – standing up tall and pecking at the wire mesh around the run.  I went outside to investigate and it turns out they were drinking the water droplets that had collected on the wire mesh.  I would have thought it was easier to drink out of the drinker that I put in there but then I’m not a chicken!

Built a Fence

April 5th, 2009 .
My New Fence

My New Fence

In preparation for my chickens I spent a couple of hours on Friday evening and Saturday morning building a new fence for my garden.  I bought a couple of rolls of weldmesh and some staples for under £50 and managed to fence off the whole of the garden.  Now I should be able to let the chickens out when they come without too much fear of them disappearing into the neighbours garden!

I have added a picture but try not to look too closely – it’s not the prettiest fence in the world!  Still it is the first time I have built anything like this so I am happy with it.  Also, I have never worked with weldmesh before so this is good practice for future extensions to my chicken run.  One thing I have learnt – weldmesh is bloodthirsty!  I came out of this bleeding from several places on my hands!